This episode had some great shocking moments that arose from the tribal shake up we all knew was coming. As soon as the three tribes arrive for their next challenge they are instructed to drop their buffs and they will be merging into two tribes. Since the green tribe has no food courtesy of J'Tia they are divided between orange and purple. At this point in the game there are 15 men and 17 women so one team is going to really get the short end of the stick. That tribe turns out to be the orange tribe when all three of the men from the Brawn tribe get switched over to purple along with the 2 of the Brawn women. Sarah is the only person to stay orange. She then gets stuck with all three "Brains" plus Alexa, Jeremiah and my girl Morgan.
After the switch up they immediately engage in the most unfair challenge in Survivor history when two members from each tribe must drag another member off a pole and across a track. Aparri does win the first point and I never thought I could be so jealous of a tattooed covered hair dresser but that's exactly what happens as I watch in total envy when Morgan mashes her massive boobs into Lindsely's face as she tries to pry her off the pole, but the next two rounds are a complete massacre with Salani using their resident giant Cliff on the pole both times AND they also have the advantage of getting to use a man to pry off an Aparri woman in both rounds.
Back at camp things aren't looking any better for Morgan as Sarah outs her and spills the beans about Trish having a choice between looking for an idol or an extra bag of rice which Morgan lied about when she was in the same situation on day 1. I would of bet anything that Sarah would of been the obvious swing vote within this tribe until Morgan's fellow beauty members waist no time in throwing her under the bus and each try to form an separate alliance with the "Brains" who are now sitting pretty after ridding themselves of the curse of rice's worst enemy J'Tia. However I'm fairly certain this tribe has zero chance of winning the immunity challenge and I'm very concerned for Morgan's life in the game continuing past this episode.
At Solani it seems as though outnumbered LJ and chronically confused looking Jeffra are on the outs until Trish immediately begins drooling over the much younger LJ. Even Vic Mackie tries to play match maker when he learns they are both single and from Massachusetts. Cliff doesn't like this and quickly begins scheming to separate the two.
At the immunity challenge Probst announces he is retiring the smaller immunity idol and then tries his best to figure out the gender of the bigger idol for some reason. He then announces that each tribe must sit out one player. Solani immediately chooses Trish but there's some drama at Aparri who has determined Alexa or Morgan will sit out, instead of one of the three members who came from one of the worst competitive tribes in Survivor history, but neither of them want to sit out. Sarah impatiently demands they play rock paper scissors to decide and Alexa triumps over Morgan,. Not that it matters, because the first part of the challenge entails swinging a giant wooden dildo through two wooden walls and we all no Appari has no chance of winning this one right?
Well this is where the first shocking even of the episode takes place. No I don't mean Probst yelling out "it's harder than it looks" as teams swing the giant wooden dildos. I mean when Aparri actually manages to emerge neck and neck with Solana at the second phase of the challenge which consists of navigating the dildo through ahem, three holes. Vic Mackie is even more shocked than I am when Aparri narrowly defeats the Brawny Solana. After expressing his shock he announces that LJ is the primary target to eliminate, which probably means LJ isn't going anywhere.
Wouldn't you know it, LJ's recent admirer Trish is desperate to save him and wants to enlist Vic Mackie to take down Cliff because he has not said a word to her the entire time they have been there. This is a major Survivor mistake that I see too many people make. If I'm playing Survivor I'm going to be doing my best to be friendly with everyone even if I can't stand them. If I see someone I don't like first thing in the morning, the first thing I'm gonna do is give them a hug and ask them if they got any sleep and do my best to make them feel comfortable right before I cut their throat. Some may say being likable can be a liability in this game and it can, but it's very hard to get to the end AND WIN if you're not likable. I'm talking to you Russell Hantz. This is a social game and your social skills have to be in overdrive when playing survivor unless you're just looking to be somebody's goat to ride to the end.
Trish's only problem is convincing Vic Mackie to go along with the plan. He's calling Trish schizophrenic for wanting to vote out Cliff which seems to me like the pot calling the kettle black since Tony has been dying to get out Cliff. Lindsey however smells a rat which encourages Cliff to confront Tony after seeing him and Trish scheming on the beach. At this point I'm not sure Tony deserves to be called Vic Mackie because he suddenly loses his ability to be a world class liar. He does lie to Cliff but it's not a very good one, where he tells Cliff she was talking about staying strong. If I had been Tony I would of said that she liked LJ and wanted to get rid of Jeffra first to diffuse any suspicions Cliff might have. I understand he was trying to alleviate Cliff's concerns but my lie would of been much more plausible.
Even though Tony seems to be struggling with the decision LJ seems to be pretty safe for the moment since he has an idol in his pocket. With all the uncertainty going into the vote it would seem an obvious move for LJ to use his idol. This is when the next shocking even occurs and after the vote LJ does NOT play his idol. Now he survives when Vic Mackie votes for Cliff for "strategical" reasons but that was so risky. I'm sure he had a long talk with Tony that we did not get to see before tribal and Tony convinced him he was down for the plan but still I can't imagine LJ not using his idol. I think Reynold might of done the same thing and survived but look how far he got.
In the end Lindsey and Woo or shocked when Cliff leaves despite Lindsey swearing on everything she loves that Trish would flip. I guess she just didn't predict Tony would flip. Then Probst must snuff the torch of the most towering contestant since Mitchell from season 2.
NEXT WEEK ON SURVIVOR! It looks like Lindsey was put on the wrong tribe and is not strong enough to endure the heat of the game.
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