Monday, August 27, 2012

Returning Cast of Survivor 26: Fans Vs HATED!

It's all over the internet that Survivor 26 will be a sequel to Fans Vs Favorites with half the cast being former castmembers.  I was pretty disappointed with the cast of the original FVF and I wish I could report that that is not the case this time, but sadly it appears as though Survivor still has a casting department that suffers from a severe case of brain damage.  Believe it or not, this cast is even worse then last time.  They're actually bringing back a last place contestant!  The returning cast members are...

Brandon Hantz
John Cochran
Erik Reichenbach
Malcolm Freberg
Phillip Sheppard

Andrea Boehlke
Brenda Lowe
Corrine Kaplan
Dawn Meehan

Francesca Hogi ???????????????????

Yes, rumor has it that they are bringing back Francesca from Redemption Island who came in last place and lost her first duel!  Now, just like in the original FVF there are a few castmembers I'm excited to see back.  Last time it was Ozzy, Amanda, Amy and to a certain extent James and Liza.  This time there's Andrea, Brenda, Corrine and to a certain extent Malcolm.  I'm not saying I like Corrine but she IS a pretty good villain.
Who the fuck is Malcolm you ask?  Well, he is a member of the upcoming Phillipines edition.  Rumor has it that he is the Russell Hantz of that season and replaced Troyzan in S26 at the last minute because Troy couldn't keep his mouth shut about coming back.  Of course, like most of the FVF2 cast I don't know why they wanted to bring him back in the first place.  His tribe of men were by far the stupidest tribe in Survivor history and he was no exception.   
I am really excited to see Andrea and Brenda back.  Despite the incredible stupidity of Survivor casting, I always knew these two would return one day.  Brenda, the sexy strategist from Nicaragua and Andrea, who clobbered three strong guys in the final redemption island duel of her season.  I actually really thought Andrea and Matt would be the returning players in South Pacific. 
It will be great to see those three back but the rest of the cast is down right horrible!.  There were some bad ones in FVF like Yau-Man, Parvati, Cirie and Fairplay, but this cast takes awful to a new level.  Fracesca????????????
Not one decent man returns.  You got psychopathic Phillip, who I still believe was a plant by producers, psychopathic Brandon, John who forever ended the myth that all nerds are smart, Erik who gave up immunity, and Malcolm who MIGHT be interesting to watch. 
Then on the women side you also got Dawn and Fracesca!  Francesca!!!!!!!!!?????????  I said during South  Pacific that Dawn was a snake and rumor has it that in FVF2 she makes Russell Hantz look like a choir boy.  I hear the backlash Dawn receives from all the people she betrays has put her into therapy.  Maybe instead of calling this Fans Vs Favorites 2 they're planning on calling it Fans Vs Hated. 
I can just imagine the casting department trying to figure out who they should bring back.  "Ok guys who are we gonna bring back for Survivor 26?  Should it be heroic Brett and Laura from Samoa?  David from RI who has the highest IQ in survivor history?  Matt from RI who eliminated Russell Hantz and won all but one duel?  No, no, no!  Instead let's go with two nut jobs (one of whom gave up immunity), ANOTHER guy who gave up immunity, a back stabbing nerd, and a dyke who came in last place.  Those would be MUCH better!  Now let's go do a few more lines of coke!"  Either that or "who can we bring back that will be dumb enough to not vote out Cochran right away?"

How they could NOT bring back Laura, Brett and Matt is beyond me!
Well, here's who I think should have come back.

Laura (Samoa)
Andrea (Redemption Island)
Brenda (Nicarauga)
Corrine (Gabon)
Natalie (Micronesia) (Like Corrine, I'm not a big fan of Natalie but she was a fierce player and at least she didn't come in last!)
Brett (Samoa)
Matt (Redemption Island)
Jim (South Pacific)
Judd (Guatamala)
Malcolm (Phillipines)

Colton (One World)
David (Redemption Island)
Grant (Redemption Island)
Ralph (Redeption Island)
Kenny (Gabon)
Terry (Exile Island)
Christina (One World)
Peigi (China)


And don't give me any grief about Christina.  She's only an alternate and she did go far in the game.  Not to mention she's fine as hell!


  1. christina (one world) didn't really have a chance to play the game as she planned to because of the alliance with kim, sab, etc. I think she should come back because she came across as a smart competitor who just didn't really get a chance to make alliances or play the game as it should be played. And honestly, I'm glad they didn't bring back Troyzan (one world) because he just goes crazy if people try to vote him out! That's the game, Troy! And for Colton (once again, one world): if he got brought back, the survivor fans who watched his season would most likely vote him out ASAP. But that is just my opinion.

    1. Thanks for being the very first person to comment on my blog Rachel!

  2. Boy how wrong were all these rumors of Malcolm being a Russell Hantz type villian.

    1. I know right!! I'm thinking maybe he'll screw over denise in the end, especially since this season looks like it might be a F2, for the first time since Tocantins.
      But as for the cast of S26, I'm ok with everyone except Andrea, Brandon, and Phillip.
      Brandon and Phillip are simply there for the 'crazy' factor, which has unfortunately become a recurring archetype every season.
      I would've liked to seen Marty from Nicaragua, Terry from Exile Island, David from RI, Stephen from Tocantins,Troyzan, or Colton. Say what you will about those last two, or any of the names I mentioned, but they all actually know and understand the game, strategy wise, at least.
      As for women, I think they did well given the unfortunate fact that there just aren't as many big personalities or strategic women players as compared to men. However, I would like to see Kim back from One World, just to see if she really was THAT good, or if it was just a weak field. As far as Francesca, she was a pre-game favorite for a lot of hardcore fans, and was screwed over by Phillip, and having Boston Rob on her tribe.
      I do have to say I disagree with some of you're picks though. Laura was OK in Samoa, but not good enough to be brought back. And BRETT!?!?! He was that guy that wasn't on the season and then magically appeared at the F5, right? Most of the players who they bring back are only there because they're memorable to the CASUAL VIEWERS, while only a few are brought back for their strategy or gameplay.

    2. Agreed. I suspected as much from the episode.

  3. Colton was terrible and I wouldn't even watch if he was on.

    1. As opposed to Phillip, or Brandon or CORRINE? At least
      Colton never put down someone's dead father!

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    1. For those of us with ethics and integrity it was very entertaining to see Brett throw a monkey wrench into the evil foa foa's plan. How is Hobbitboy more deserving than Natalie. He foolishly handed the game to her on a silver platter. He was either too stupid or too scared to realize his only way of winning the game was to keep his deal with Brett and pray for a tie breaker. Had he had the guts to do that and Brett had somehow lost the tie breaker Hobbitboy could of redeemed himself with the jury and probably would have won the game.

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  5. Didn't throw a monkey wrench? Are you saying they WANTED Brett to be in the final four? And you need to go back and watch the episode where they merged. It was NATALY that tricked Galu into voting off Erik NOT Russell! This is the key move that led to Galu's destruction. I would love to hear you explain how Russell makes it to the end if Nataly doesn't pull that off! The truth is that Russell road NATALY'S coattails to the end!
    Why do you say Brett would of won the jury vote if he did nothing in the game? And how did it turn out for Russell by not keeping his word to Brett? And he didn't need a safety net. Brett was dying to take Russell to the end because he knew there was no way such a bad player could possibly win. I've never heard Probst say Brett would never come back, and I highly doubt he would compare Brett to a quitter like Purple Kelly, but as long as we're talking about comments from Probst I have heard him say that Russell is incapable of winning Survivor.

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    1. Russell may have made more moves but he wasn't given any respect by the jury because he was too rude to them and while Natalie may have made only one move, she has the respect of the jury

  7. You're god damn right Brett would of won. Because he was a great player. That wasn't my argument. One minute you're saying he did nothing the next you're saying he would of been a shoo in to win had he made it to the end. Those two statements don't go together. Again for those viewers with integrity it was anything but boring to see Brett force Russell to turn on BIMBO and Jaison.
    And Russell didn't convince BIMBO to flip. Laura convinced BIMBO to flip because BIMBO was so jealous of her. I seem to remember seeing Russell trying his ass off to get Laura and Monica to flip and failing miserably just like nearly every other thing he's done on Survivor. Luckily he had Nataly to save his ass in Samoa.
    In the words of Jeff Probst on Russell's lackluster reception by his tribe on Redemption Island: "He still doesn't get it. He still thinks everybody loves him." And apparently neither do you.

    BTW Russell is the ONLY three timer to finish WORST each time he's played.

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  9. Who the hell told you Jaison is an honest and likable guy? Jaison is a bully that was ready to go all gangster on John and Erik.
    Are you really stupid enough to believe that BIMBO wasn't itching to flip long before Russell ever spoke to her?
    Explain to me how Russell makes it to the end without Nataly getting Galu to turn on Erik? Had she not done that they would of been down 8 to 3 so even BIMBO would of been too intimidated by the numbers to flip. That was the biggest move in the game by Nataly.
    Plenty of people have been on the chopping block and made it to the end. Ozzy had people gunning for him all through cook islands, even his own alliance. Chris Daughtry was outnumbered 6 to 1 and not only made it to the end but ended up winning. Something Russell will NEVER do.
    Boston Rob's redemption island tribe was thrilled to get him because HE is a skillful player. Russell's tribe were upset at getting him because he's pure cancer.
    Name me ONE three timer who hasn't had to come back under harder conditions? There's about a dozen players who have played 3 times but ONLY Russell has done worse each time he's played.
    Also if you check my other blog you'll see my calculations on how Russell has the worst jury management of any two time finalist.
    Only 2 out of 18 jury members have voted for him which comes out to a pathetic 11% of jury votes. And those two votes came from BIMBO and John who are two of the stupidest players in Survivor history. Bitter jury or not, if you're a half way decent player you're going to get better then 11% of the jury votes.
    Russell made it to the end not because of his great strategy but because of his AWFUL strategy. EVERYONE from Samoa and HVV wanted to take Russell to the end because they knew he would be easy to beat. When Redemption Island came around they were smart enough to realize it was too risky to align with such a back stabbing snake. Then even with the second chance of redemption island he failed again and got his ass whipped by Matt. Then cried like the spoiled brat that he is.
    How about all those hypocritical statements he made on redemption island? "my whole tribe was lying to me" "this is my first time voted out and I didn't like it. I wanted to bitch slap every one of them". When he's the one doing the lying and backstabbing and blindsiding he's happy but when it happens to him he cries like a bitch.

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    3. I really want to thank you Alex. You are doing such a great job of making me look like a genius. I have never heard SO much bullshit come out of one person. EVERYTHING you say is crap. I guess I shouldn't be surprised you would be a fan of Cirie, Cesternino, Lex, and Yau-Man. You are right though by my logic they are ALL HORRIBLE players!
      And to say that Stephanie, Becky, and Fishback played great games??????????????? I don't know what the fuck you're smoking but I highly suggest you get off of it. Stephanie had the win so easy in Guatamala and she totally fucked it up, for no apparent reason, with her awful game play. Becky couldn't build a fucking fire after an hour with flint. Even with matches it took her forever and she barely beat Sundra. Next thing you know you'll be saying Sugar is one of the great strategic masterminds of the game.
      I didn't say John was a stupid person I said he was a stupid player and he is one of the stupidest players in survivor history. As I say in my other blog that lists him as the 12th dumbest player in survivor history
      John Fincher Concedes that there are “tons of inherent risks” in voting against his tribe right after the merge. Then he proceeds to go after his own tribe members, opening the door for Russell to decimate John’s tribe. Additionally, out of 18 jury members to hear Russell Hantz’s case to win Survivor, Fincher is one of only two to be stupid enough to vote for him, the other being BIMBO. Nuff Said.
      Russell gets rid of anyone who threatens him? He did a great job of getting rid of Ralph didn't he? What was it Sandra said to him? "I'm against you Russell". So what does his dumb ass do? He takes her to the end and gets his ass kicked by yer. Such brilliant strategy right there.
      So let me get this strait. Redemption Island was the hardest circumstances for Russell to play in but it was the easiest for Rob to play in even though Russell is such a great player. That makes a lot of fucking sense!
      You say "everyone" gets to the end because they're easy to beat? Answer this, did Rob and Ozzy make it to the end because people thought they were easy to beat? If you say anything other then "Yes" everyone will know you're full of shit.

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    5. Again thanks for another post of complete nonsense that makes me look like a genius, and thanks for not having the balls to answer my question and showing the world how full of shit you are. Yul knew that he could beat Ozzy? You're out of your fucking mind. Yul was scared to death of Ozzy and tried his ass off to get rid of Ozzy and couldn't do it because he kept winning immunity, and he barely beat Ozzy. Anybody with half a brain knows that. Amber never made a move against Rob because she knew that she could beat him?
      What is your criteria for a great player? It seems to be whoever can piss off the most jury members is the best player in your mind!
      Ozzy happens to be one of my favorite players btw as is Colby.
      BTW I happen to have an honorable discharge from the US NAVY where I held a Top Secret Clearance. I was going to go into the marines like BIMBO but I couldn't get my head in the jar! I was on a ship that had a lot of dumbass jarheads like BIMBO on it. Whenever I got really bored I would pick a space on the ship and stand at attention in front of it. Within 10 minutes I would have 20 dumbass jarheads standing behind me.
      You think you're so fucking smart? Tell you what. You go take the military aptitude test. If you can come within even 10 points of my score I'll admit that Russell is the greatest player of all time.

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    7. Last time I checked Ozzy and Colby never won the game and I said they were both great players.
      I addressed all of your points in the first sentence when I said it was all nonsense. You really want me to address every idiotic statement you've made and make you look like even more of an idiot? I'll just start off with the biggest one.
      The final 8? Yul still needed Ozzy at that point you moron. He couldn't count on Penner staying loyal so he kept Ozzy around. Are you really saying that if Ozzy had not won the final immunity in Cook Islands Yul wouldn't of voted him off because he was so easy to beat?
      I swear with every post you make yourself look dumber and dumber! I changed my mind on my challenge of you being able to come within 10 points of my score on the military aptitude test. If you can come within even 20 points of my score I'll admit that Russell is the greatest player of all time!

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    9. Once again thank you for spewing out a bunch of nonsense. Anyone with half a brain knows Yul would of never went up against Ozzy had he lost the final immunity. Are you saying Yul never once said he wanted to get rid of Ozzy. I'm saying he never once said in any a interview that he wanted to take Ozzy to the end and knew he could beat him.
      He agreed to a tie breaker because that was his only hope of saving Becky.
      You want me to address your points one by one so bad ok.
      There is one fundamental component of Survivor that you clearly don't get. JURY MANAGEMENT! I would love to hear you say that that is not a fundamental of the game of survivor and make yourself look like an even bigger idiot.
      Lex. Biggest hypocrite in the history of Survivor and quite possibly the planet. Said over and over and over in AS that "this is business" and "not friendship", he betrays Ethan and Jerri than whines like a bitch when the same thing happens to him.
      Cesternino. There's a reason he was the first one voted off of his tribe in AS. He sucks! All he knows how to do is lie and back stab.
      Fishbach and Russell. Do I really need to explain to you why players who can't manager a singe vote from a jury are awful players. Again. Please right back that jury management doesn't matter in this game and make yourself look even stupider then you already have.
      Cirie, what the fuck did she ever do but whine lie around on her ass and play the race card to get further in the game.
      Stephanie. As I've already explained, she had the win in the palm of her hand and pissed it away by inexplicably turning on her alliance like that idiot John.
      Yau-Man The second one voted out of FVF because he was so fucking weak. Stupid enough to trust and give a brand new truck to that crack head Dreamz.
      Again her are my questions that I'm sure YOU will NEVER address.

      Is jury management a fundamental component of winning Survivor?

      Did Yul EVER say in any interview during the CI season that he knew he could beat Ozzy and wanted to take him to the end?

      Just of the record, you're saying that Ozzy is not a great player. That Lex, Yau-Man, Cesternino, Fishbach, Cirie, Stephani are all better players then Ozzy?

      Do you think you could get within even 20 points of my score on the military aptitude test?

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    11. lol thanks again for a post of complete nonsense! "Yul didn't want Becky to go to the end more then Sundra?" Cesternino was the first person to do a powershift within an alliance? (Guess you didn't see season 4) "Stephanie had to eliminate her allies"? (how did that work out for her?) LMAO!
      And of course you didn't have the balls to give a direct answer to any of my direct questions which makes you look like a total chicken shit.
      I think we both KNOW that a moron like you could NEVER come with 20 points of the score of someone as intelligent as myself.

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    13. Ok you asked for it. I'll answer yours even though I know you won't have the balls to answer mine.

      Yes there was a HUGE power shift in season and 4 and 3 for that matter. The one in 4 was much bigger then that idiot Cesternino. Cesternino was in the final four for most of the game, he never had a snowballs chance of winning though, despite what Jenna said at the finale. There was no reason for him to flip over to Butch and Matthew, although I'm glad he did because I liked Matt a lot more then Alex or Cesternino.

      So you're saying there's nothing wrong with being a hypocrite? (NOT HYPOCRYTE BTW) YES OR NO!?
      You're saying there's NOTHING wrong with Lex going on and on about Survivor having nothing to do with friendship, betraying his friends and then not voting for Rob at the final tribal because he betrayed their friendship? YES OR NO!?

      Ozzy's vote me out plan was by far the ballsiest move in Survivor history. I guarantee you neither Lex, Yau-Man, Cirie, or Russell would of had the guts to do such a move in a million years. However, I will agree it was extremely foolish to take a bullet for a back stabbing snake like John, and it certainly didn't turn out like he wanted, but it hardly blew up in his face. That would imply his elimination in the next one or two episodes. Ozzy was the last Savii standing and had Upolu shaking in their boots the entire season.
      Ozzy can be extremely arrogant, he's the worst actor God ever put on the face of this earth, but he has the heart of a warrior and more honor in his little finger than Coach, Russell, Lex, and Cire have in their big ole fat bodies combined! There's a reason Ozzy has one fan favorite twice and has done so by the widest margin in Survivor history.

      Cirie is not a great player because she does not play great. She does nothing but sit around like a lazy ass and whine all the time. She made it to the finale twice for the same reason Russell did, because she is such a horrible player and I'm sure also due to sub conscious affirmative action from the people whose coattails she road.

      As far as Yau-Man giving Dreamz a truck out of generosity. You're a total idiot for believing that. This is such an idiotic statement I'm tempted to say there's no way you could come within 30 points of my asvab score. Show me one clip where Yau-Man says giving the truck to Dreamz had nothing to do with strategy.

      Ozzy caught so much fish on cook islands that Becky actually gained weight on the island. Last time I checked there's never been a challenge that involved catching fish and the last time I checked winning challenges IS a huge part of the game of Survivor.

      Yul DID choose between Becky and Sundra. He voted for Sundra dumbass.

      Well my criteria for a 'brilliant strategist" certainly isn't somebody who loses. Someone who is the first one voted out of their tribe, like Russell Hantz, certainly qualifies as a horrible strategists.

      I have never actually bragged about my test score, I've merely said that someone as idiotic as yourself could never come within 20 points of me. If you think you're so much smarter then me I don't know why it should matter what my test score is, but since you keep whining about it, I scored a 97 out of 99 on the asvab, which is easily in the top 5% and probably close to the top 1%, and I do have documentation of my score.


    14. So here are my questions AGAIN even though I'm sure you won't have the balls to answer. I'm sure you're just gonna keep talking about what great players Cirie and Yau-Man are and how Yul didn't favor Becky over Sundra. But either way you make yourself look like a bigger idiot.

      Is jury management a fundamental component of winning Survivor?

      Did Yul EVER say in any interview during the CI season that he knew he could beat Ozzy and wanted to take him to the end?

      Just of the record, you're saying that Ozzy is not a great player. That Lex, Yau-Man, Cesternino, Fishbach, Cirie, Stephani are all better players then Ozzy?

      Do you think you could get within even 20 points of my score on the military aptitude test?

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    16. You got a 98 on the military aptitude test? lol Right. You are a moosehead moron! You have just completely blown your credibility on here by making such a preposterous claim! I have documentation of my score, do you? Do you even know the name of the test?
      "How can I know if I'll get within 20 points of your score if you won't tell me what your score is?" These are your words. Tell me something. If you came within 1 point of a perfect score on the test then why would you need to know my score to know if you could get within 20 points of my score????? If you scored anywhere bwtween a 79 and a 99 it would of been impossible for me to score 20 points higher then you and you would not of needed to know what my score was to know that you had come within 20 points of my score!
      If you were going to lie you should of said a more believable score like 78. Unless you can explain to me how it's possible to to score 20 points higher then 98 points on a test that only goes up to 99 points. If you can't do that everyone who reads this will know that you are full of shit and will also know you are full of shit on everything that comes out of your mouth here. Not that they don't already know that. You ask me not to insult you then pull crap like this? You fully deserve every insult I have thrown at you!

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    19. Once again I have to thank you for showing everyone how retarded and full of shit you are. Recruiters don't give the ASVAB, which is what it's more commonly refered to, and it isn't done at a recruiting station!
      I actually tutor people to prepare for the ASVAB and not one person who has emailed me about my services has ever said "I need help with the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery test"!
      This is the link to my tutoring profile and if you go there you will see that I'm certified to tutor on the ASVAB.
      And when you're in the military and you ask for somebody's rank you don't say "first sargeant", you say something like E6 or O3! You obviously googled this information and fell right into my trap MORON. An IDIOT like you probably couldn't even score a 70 on the ASVAB!
      You're full of shit! You've obviously have never been in the military and have never had the guts to even try to be. You know you're full of shit, I know it, and everybody who reads this knows it! I'm done with your lying dumbass.

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  12. I agree that this is a terrible group of returnees. Some of the things you are saying are really offensive. Why would you call Francesca a "Dyke"? That is an incredibly offensive term for a gay woman, it's like calling a man a fag. Plus she isn't gay. Are you calling her that because of her short hair? That's a terrible stereotype. And as far as Cochran back-stabbing his tribe, everyone backstabs on survivor. It's how you play the game. Plus, you can't blame Cochran for turning on his allies. They made it very clear that he was on the bottom of their alliance, so why shouldn't he go and find a better deal for himself elsewhere? The Savaii tribe is to blame for his switch, because they didn't offer him any incentives to stay loyal. After weeks of being uncaring and dismissive of him, of course he flips. How can you call yourself a "viewer with integrity", who has "ethics" and say you want Colton to return?

    1. You called Francesca a dyke that because that is the stereotype, that they have short hair. I know many gay women, and a lot of them have long hair. And even if it isn't the reason, it's just a rude word. You are calling Francesca an offensive word that means gay woman, you say she's automatically gay because she has short hair, and you say I have homophobia? I don't hate Colton because he's gay. Some of my best friends are gay. I hated him because he called Bill ghetto trash and mocked his career choice, because he was so cruel to Christina (there's a scene on YouTube where he and Alicia make fun of Christina's eyes) and because he made fun of Leif for being a little person, calling him a "munchkin", and an "oompa-loompa". The question I have is that you hate Russell for being somewhat unlikeable and evil. Then you root for Colton. How can you call yourself "a viewer with ethics and integrity" and root for someone like Colton, while eagerly awaiting his return? The Savaii tribe didn't save Cochran from the votes out of kindness in their hearts. Semhar and Papa Bear went because they were weaker than him, and the Elyse and Ozzy boots were done for the benefit of the tribe, not out of kindness for Cochran. He wasn't dumb for switching sides. If he's guaranteed to finish sixth when the final 6 rolls around, is he supposed to just be happy to finish sixth? He thought that by joining Upolou there would be sub-alliances that he could join. He didn't expect their game-plan to be so rigid. And the Savaii tribe didn't treat him that well. Remember them all yelling at him after Keith left? Remember him saying "You made me feel small by saying I was the weakest link"? Why would he want to stay with people who say that sort of thing to him? He mentioned in his interview that Jim said he wanted him in the finals because he was beatable. So why would Cochran remain in an alliance with people who can beat him? If he can't win against a former Savaii, then maybe he can beat an Upolu. And you call him a "backstabber"? Everybody back-stabs on survivor. It is an integral part of the game. Even Brett and Laura, who you say you like, were backstabbers. They betrayed Erik when they wrote his name down. They could have told him "play your idol". How can you root for them, then say you hate Cochran for being a back-stabber?

    2. OMG! Are you serious? I didn't like Laura and Brett voting for Erik but when did Erik take a bullet for Laura and Brett the way Ozzy did for John? When did they save his ass for three votes the way Jim did? John is a despicable human being! I guarantee you if you ever played Survivor and someone you saved time and time again stabbed you in the back you wouldn't be so forgiving.
      And if so many Dykes have long hair why would you think I was calling Francesca a dyke because of her short hair?

    3. Backstabbing is a part of the game. Everybody backstabs people. There isn't a single winner who didn't stab somebody in the back. Even Fabio backstabbed Dan at the final five. Why does playing the game make Cochran a bad person? I suspect that you don't like him just because he was responsible for Ozzy's demise. It's not like they were saving Cochran out of the kindness in their hearts. Papa Bear and Semhar went home because they were even weaker. Elyse went home to weaken Ozzy's position, and Ozzy took the bullet as a strategic move, to even out the numbers at the merge. You should stop saying Dyke, it's a really offensive term. It's like the word "faggot".

    4. Responsible for Ozzy's demise? You must of missed the second half of the season because John finished 7th Ozzy finished 4th. It was OZZY that knocked John out of the game you moron.
      John had final three in the bag with Savii but because he was too much of chicken shit to draw rocks he ended up finishing 4 places worse then he would of with Savii. That's what makes him an awful player. If you can explain to me how finishing 7th is better then finishing 3rd I'll admit that John is a good player.
      And you're the one who has some big fagaphobia towards Colton!

    5. Cochran was responsible for Ozzy's demise in the long run. If he hadn't flipped, then Ozzy would have had the numbers for the rest of the game. With Cochran flipping, Ozzy lost all his allies. I'm not saying Cochran's a great player. But he's not awful. He started off on the outs of his tribe and made it deep. That's something. Finishing 7th was better than 3rd. If he had ridden coattails to the end and gotten no votes, he'd be remembered as an annoying, coattail riding guy who was too feeble to make moves or do anything. This way, he took control of his position in the game and went out on his own terms. And as for him not drawing rocks,there's no reason to think he wouldn't have drawn the purple rock and gone home. Ozzy should have played his immunity idol on Cochran to eliminate that risk.
      I don't hate Colton for being gay, I hate Colton because he was racist, mocked a little person, treated Bill like crap, and was just an all around douchebag. How can you call yourself a quote unquote "viewer with integrity" and support that guy?

    6. I would like to repeat myself, I never said Cochran was a great or even a good player. I just think he's a little (not a lot) better than you give him credit for. I mean, he made it all the way to the merge without any alliance. That's something. I agree that Colton was playing against the worst survivor tribe ever. They were were so spineless. Remember Jonas? ("Colton's calling the shots, so what am I supposed to say, no?). I never said that Colton wasn't a good player. I think he was a very good player. I just said that he was a jerk, that's all. And regardless of whether Colton was a victim of racism, the way he treated Bill was still unforgivable. And Bill threw Colton's idol in the ocean AFTER Colton was bullying him, so he wasn't the instigator.

    7. Well I have to say that this post makes more sense than any of your previous posts. In my countdown of dumbest players of all time third place goes to the men tribe of one world and tenth goes to Kat, but I had to John at number seven.

      I do also agree that Colton is a jerk but to say that he bullied Bill. That's like saying Anthony Micheal Hall bullied Judd Nelson in The Breakfast Club.

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