Saturday, March 15, 2014

Cagayan Episode 3: Cops R Us

Is this the third or fourth episode?  Did the premier count as one or two episodes?  Guess it depends on your point of view.  In any event this is the episode where Cops R Us decide to employ the brilliant strategy of throwing a challenge because blue blooded Sarah is believing every lie that comes out Vic Mackey's mouth and is desperate to get rid of Cliff because he told her that he and Lindsey are gunning for her.  To my surprise Cliff's partner in crime, Woo is totally down.  I understand not wanting a multimillionaire to win the game but throwing a challenge is always a bad idea.  Now I was glad when Zapatera threw the challenge in Redemption Island to get rid of Russell but it still came back to haunt them.  Never a good idea.
I was glad to see Jeremiah seems to be in hot water over at the beauty camp.  I'm just hoping Morgan can convince the girls to form an alliance against the boys.  I'm also very proud that she's fighting so hard to stay in the game.
I was also glad to finally see an episode this season with two challenges.  Despite their issues the beauty tribe bounces back from last weeks loss and comes in first, winning three egg laying chickens.  Although the "brains" tribe has a huge lead for second J'Tia manages once again to blow it because this ahem nuclear engineer can't figure out how to lay a flag pole on a platform.  Somehow the braun tribe manages second place and wins a dozen eggs.
To my relief the beauty tribe goes two for two and comes in first in the immunity challenge as well.  It then becomes a race for the brawn tribe to try to finish BEHIND the "brains" tribe.  This is no easy task with J'Tia still on the "brains" tribe who can't even dive down into three feet of water to retrieve a buoy.  They give it their all but the brawn tribe just can't do badly enough to lose to the "brains".  Granted the second phase of the challenge was throwing a ball into a basket which gave former basket ball player Cliff a huge advantage but still that was really pathetic performance by the "brains".  So even with another tribe trying to lose the "brains" still can't win and come in last for the fourth time in five challenges. 
I'm not sure what I would of done if I was Tasha and Kass.  Yes, J'Tia is completely useless in every aspect of the game but there's also the fact that she would have zero chance at winning in the final tribal council.  It seems to me they might be past the point of no return of hitching their train to J'Tia, but they are struggling on which way to go all the way to and during tribal council where they are openly debating who they should vote off while Probst is trying to interview Spencer and J'Tia.
Spencer begs for his life and I would of loved to have seen someone remind him that he voted David off to keep J'Tia in the first tribal, but they don't.  Or at least we don't see it.  We also don't see anyone bothering to look for the idol which surprises me.  Maybe it happened on both counts but just didn't make the editing.  Either way Kass flops again and they decide to get rid of the anchor that is sinking them fast and vote out J'Tia.  I was pretty sure this would be the result because in interviews I have read with Probst he implies that Spencer goes far into the game.  After this episode I'm thinking he will almost certainly make it to the season finale if not the final tribal council.

NEXT WEEK ON SURVIVOR! Spencer and Morgan's prayers are answered with a tribal shake up and the two three tribes become two.   

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