This blog is for news and recaps of the tv show Survivor! I was going to call it survivor reviewed but that would of meant having two words that ended and began with "r" in the address. Check out my other Survivor blog
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Survivor Phillipines Recap Episode 11: ABSOULTELY Abi's episode!
I've come up with a new drinking game. Every time Abi says "absolutely" you take a shot. I guarantee you'll be hammered by the end of the episode! Judging by her extensive use of it, I think that must of been the first word Abi learned to say in English. Funny thing is half the tribe has started to jump on the bandwagon. Mostly at tribal council.
Malcolm "ABSOLUTELY, I don't want to get into an argument with Penner" (to Lisa)"I would ABSOLUTELY trust you in the 11th hour"
Lisa "Penner that is ABSOLUTELY part of my consideration"
Well Abi ABSOLUTELY appears to be a dead woman walking but looks can be deceiving. By ganging up on her the tribe has lit a fire under her ass, at that's very dangerous for a hot head like her. Speaking of Abi's ass, it's Survivor Auction on this weeks episode and Abi has a plan to save her bountiful ass for at least one more vote. Instead of trying to buy any food she decides to patiently wait for the inevitable advantage item, and the rest of the hungry tribe isn't about to stop her!
First Denise blows all her money on pancakes, bacon and tall glass of orange juice. Skupin remarks how he could get the same meal at a diner for $1.99. Something tells me Skupin hasn't ate at a diner for a long time because you can't even get a large glass of orange juice for that much at most diners. Then remarkably on the very next item Skupin immediately blows all his money before Jeff can even describe the item, which looks to be a glass of wine with cheese and crackers? Apparently Skupin is STILL smarting from that blow to the head he received from Abi's runaway coconut.
Eventually Jeff reveals the advantage item and without any hesitation Abi immediately bids every cent she has. I was actually surprised Abi had enough knowledge of the game to make this move. I had assumed she had been a recruit who hadn't watched the show much, but she even later remarks on how she has seen auctions in the past. This actually increased my respect of Abi a little bit. The only question is will her gamble pay off?
Well luckily, even though she spent all her money on an advantage she doesn't have to leave the auction on an empty stomach. Carter buys the last item which is covered and when Probst reveals it as a heap of veal shanks, he also reveals that it's for the entire tribe with a 60 second clock. This is the second time Carter has been able to provide for the tribe during the auction because earlier he was given the choice of trading his meal for bags of rice and beans, which he took. These were the only two times contestants were allowed to share during the auction. They could not pool money or share food.
In the beginning of the episode Malcolm does some jury marching by consoling Abi as they get tree mail. We know it's pretty insincere because later in the episode he compares her to an ex girlfriend who won't go away. Still we can't really blame him for trying to secure her vote. Seems like that's a common thread lately. Several hardcore gamers are trying to get Abi's vote. Lisa did it when she handed Abi her torch at the end of last weeks episode and Penner is also doing it this episode. After the auction Penner and Abi get into a very dramatic discussion with Abi continuing to garner sympathy from everyone and whining about getting destroyed. Penner tries to defend himself and the tribe and also make a little peace. Of course in Penner's case he may also be preparing for Abi winning immunity now that she has an advantage which is still a mystery to everyone.
Abi reads the note and finds out it allows her to automatically jump to the final round of the immunity challenge. Knowing that this may not be enough to save her she hatches a plan and pretends that it's also a clue to hidden immunity idol. She goes to Malcolm and tries to make a deal by telling him that she doesn't think she's going home at the next tribal because she now has another idol. Despite all her flaws you gotta admire Abi's tenacity. This girl never gives up! She is one of those characters that you just love to hate! Not like Russell where you just plain hated him. At least Abi doesn't try to be an asshole. I do think she over played her hand here though. She should of just told Malcolm that she wasn't going home and hope that he would assume that she has an idol. Then she should of targeted Penner or Lisa.
At the immunity challenge Probst asks Abi to read the note she got at the auction. She tells him there are two parts of the message and it's up to her to read the second part. She then reads how she gets to jump to the final round of the challenge then ever the drama queen she rips up the note. Probst, who as a producer of the show has a vested interest in seeing Abi survive doesn't drop the dime on her and just says "ok" during her blatant lie. I know that inside, Probst is loving Abi's assertiveness.
The challenge consist of three stages. To give Abi an even bigger advantage players must answer questions before each round and if they get it wrong they must carry bags of sand equaling 5% of their body weight. Lisa is eliminated in the first round, then Penner and Carter finish the second round first to face off against Abi in the last round. For some reason we don't get to hear the triva questions on the last two rounds but Abi and Penner get it right. Unless they made Abi exempt from the questions but cut that out to keep people crying favoritism. Penner also answered the first two correctly so both he and Abi are clean. Carter on the other hand has missed two questions and must carry 10% of his body weight through this last round.
Denise predicts that Abi doesn't stand a chance but she takes off to an early lead flying through the maze like a woman possessed. Carter gets hot on her tail while Penner doesn't come close. Everyone is rooting for Carter but he comes up just a little short. Who'd of thunk it? Abi wins immunity which almost makes Denise throw up. Of course that doesn't stop her from politely applauding Abi's victory. As Probst dons the immunity necklace on Abi he comments on her survivor journey, "you've gone from being on top, to being on the bottom, to being an outcast, to being safe!" and Abi has gained a little more respect from me.
There's been a lot of speculation on the survivor boards that the challenges in this episode were designed to help Abi avoid being voted out. I have to say there might be something to that. At the auction no one was allowed to pool money like they've been able to do in the past, thus making it impossible for the rest of the tribe to gang up and outbid her on the advantage item. There was also the fact that the final item had to be shared by everyone in the tribe, thus making sure no one had a huge hunger advantage against Abi at the immunity challenge. Then there was the fact of contestants having to answer questions that caused them to be weighed down if they got it wrong during the first two rounds of the immunity challenge that Abi didn't have to participate in. I wouldn't be surprised if a producer advised her on the auction move she ended up making. Despite all that I'm not too upset if that was the case. Even if the person isn't liked, it always makes for some great tv when the one person who everyone wants out ends up winning immunity. And lets not forget that the rest of the tribe could of saved their money just like Abi did and could of tried to bid on the advantage item. I do think they should of made it a little less obvious and given Carter the choice to share his veal shanks, but told him if he did he had to share it with everyone.
Back at camp Lisa continues to try to trump Abi on being the tribe drama queen. She admits uncertainty to her final four alliance who has targeted Penner. Lisa immediately goes running to Penner and starts dropping dimes. However she tells him she's going to stick with her alliance and vote for him but she hopes he can get someone else to flop. Translation, I want to face you in the finals but I don't want to be the bad guy. Bet he's wishing he had taken Lisa and Skupin up on their offer last week.
He secures Abi and Carter's vote against Denise but he needs one more and his only option is Skupin.
Right before tribal council. Skupin says he believes he can beat Penner in the final three. This tells me Penner is doomed and going home tonight.
Penner pleads his case to the best of his ability but it's not enough for this Academy Award winner. Yes, that's right. Jonathan actually has won an Academy Award. During the vote Jonathan yells out Denise's name while he writes it down and Abi sticks her tongue out at Denise when she goes to vote. Unfortunately for them, Skupin and Lisa both vote for Jonathan and RC has to wait at least one more tribal for her confrontation with her nemesis Abi. Penner gives Carter a hug goodbye then Abi tries to hug him but he tells her to get lost. He then tells the rest of the tribe to suck eggs and leaves whistling zippity do da or something. Personally I think Penner owed Abi a hug after she tried to keep him in the game even when he told her to get lost last week when she tried to align with him.
A few weeks ago I predicted that neither Jonathon, Malcolm or Carter could win this game. Well Jonathon is out, and we know Malcolm isn't winning because he's coming back next season. I'm now thinking that neither one makes it to the final three because I'm sure they would win if they did. I just can't see Carter winning after he was practically invisible during the first three episodes. I can't believe they would edit a winner like that. That leaves Lisa, Denise, Abi and Skupin. All of these people have so many enemies on the jury that I don't know who's going to win. Judging by Jeff Kent's post game interviews Lisa makes it to the final three but doesn't win. That leaves Denise, Abi and Skupin. Could Abi actually win? Could she pull off the biggest miracle in survivor history? With only six left people could end up getting greedy and decide to take her to the end because they think she can't be beat. I'm actually thinking that this last group of people could result in the first ever tie for first place. That would be a great twist to a great season.
NEXT WEEK ON SURVIVOR! Will Abi win immunity again and make it to the finale? Will Malcolm finally use his idol because of his big mouth brother? If Abi doesn't win immunity will a new alliance emerge that wants to take her to the end? There's only six left so that means just one more episode before the finale, right? WRONG! That's what I thought but after watching Survivor Live After Show and checking I've discovered that there are still two more episodes before the finale. So I guess for the first time in years the finale will have just four people left in the game and will air December 16.
To see some pretty funny footage of Abi gloating click here
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