Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Survivor Meets The Biggest Loser!

This season has seen one of the biggest contestants in Survivor history, that being the humongous Shamar!  Shamar's presence in the game has caused a lot of controversy.  One in paticular is his massive size and the debate on weather it was an asset or liability.  Shamar claims it was a huge hindrance because his portions of rice were much smaller in proportion to his big frame compared to say Laura.  He even went so far as to refuse to get up out of the shelter at meal time and demanded his share be brought to him because he was so exhausted.
I was listening to a podcast Dalton Ross did with Shamar and although he's not big fan of Shamar Ross seemed to side with him on this point.  He argued that if you're as big as Shamar you're going to need more nourishment to fuel your huge body.  While that kind of makes sense I think Shamar's huge reserves of body fat were much more of an asset.  Who can forget fat ass Richard Hatch bragging how he wasn't even hungry in All Stars compared to the skinny people who he predicted would be dropping like flies from hunger.  I personally feel Shamar was just a big baby.
That's why I think we should settle this once an for all by crossing Survivor with The Biggest Loser!  We've seen seasons of men vs women, young vs old, even racially segregated tribes!  So I think it's time we have a season with one tribe of thin people vs another tribe of really fat people.  I think the thin people might do well at first but after a couple days of not eating I think the fat tribe would really start to dominate from being able to live off of their own body fat. 

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