Thursday, November 8, 2012

Survivor Phillipines Episode 8 Recap: Dumbest Vote EVER!

Jeff Probst concluded tonight's episode by saying "that vote may go down as the biggest blown opportunity in the history of this game".  Couldn't of said it better myself.  After Penner does the unthinkable and throws a monkey wrench in the tribes plans by actually winning his first individual immunity, the vote would still seem to be pretty strait forward.  Vote for the other veteran Skupin, but instead all hell breaks loose after the immunity challenge, with Malcolm, Pete and Jeff getting targets on their backs.  How did this happen?
Well the episode stars off with a very awkward return from tribal council where Penner confronts his alliance about betraying him.  Penner says he's not giving up but despite reassurances from Skupin, he appears to be a dead man walking.
Then we go to a tense reward challenge which despite the merge is still a team effort with the tribe split into groups of fine.  You have Penner, Jeff, Lisa, Denise, and Malcolm on one side and Pete, Artis, Abi, Skupin, and Carter on the other side.  The teams go back in forth on the water portion of the challenge but Skupin, of all people, blows the lead for his team.
Back at camp, with RC gone, Abi must find someone new to fight with, and that someone turns out to be Pete.  He confesses his desire to vote her off, but that desire is superseded by the knowledge that if he goes against her at the end she'll be easy to beat. 
We learn from Lisa, that Jeff may not be as dumb as we thought, and there is a plan for the two of them to team up with Malcolm, Denise, and Carter to take out the evil three Artis, Abi, and Pete after they've taken out the veterans.  But after the reward Lisa starts to get greedy and stupid.  She decides final three with Malcolm and Denise is to risky so she believes it's a better idea to go to the final three with Artis, Abi, and Pete because no one likes them and they'll be easy to beat.  There's only one problem with that brilliant plan, which is you can't go to the final three with four people.  Unfortunatley Lisa's math skills aren't good enough for her to see this.  Unless she's thinking that Artis, Pete, or Abi will volunteer to drop out of the game when they get to four, which is even stupider.
Despite this obvious absurdity she immediately starts dropping the dime about Malcolm's idol first to Mike then later to Pete.  A few days ago I posted an article that named Lisa as having the best chance of winning the game.  She was in a fantastic position.  All she had to do was stick to the plan.  Take out the veterans and she's at the final eight.  Then team up with Malcolm, Denise, Jeff, and Carter to take out the evil three and she's at final five.  Then team up with Malcolm and Denise to take out Jeff and Carter and bam!  She's final three and gets to plead her case for the million dollars.  Instead for some inexplicable reason she decides to try doing the impossible by taking four people to the final three!  This move is so ridiculous and out of character I seriously wonder if she's being bribed by the producers to throw a monkey wrench into everyone's plans in an effort to create drama and unpredictability.  I hope they're paying her a lot because now I would have to say that Abi and Artis have a better chance at winning.  It's true that Malcolm probably could of done a better job of assuring Lisa.  He should of explained to her more thoroughly that he was her best option. 
When the first episode aired I predicted Dawson would win.  I guess this is what comes from being a Cubs fan.  Anyone you pick to win ends up going down in flames.  With that in mind I would like to officially change my prediction to Abi!
Lisa still wants to vote out Penner on the next vote though, and so does everyone else.  Only thing that can save Penner is individual immunity.  The challenge is in two parts.  The first is gathering puzzle pieces then solving the actual puzzle.  The first three to get their pieces across a finish line move on.  Penner just barely beats out Skupin as he dives across the finish line as if he's scoring a touchdown.  He still has to beat Jeff and Pete though.  As the next portion begins Penner is off to a slow start but he ends up making a miraculous comeback and just barely beats Jeff to solve the puzzle.
At camp the thought by most of the tribe is to vote out Skupin until Lisa decides to create more turmoil.  She runs to Pete and tells him about Malcolm's idol and suggests they target him.  Pete, who has a genuine fondness for Malcolm, confronts him with his intel.  He does his best to play it off but that's not saying much.  Somehow, for reasons I'm still not clear on, Tandang decides to target Jeff and Kalabaw decided to target Pete, with Penner and Skupin becoming safe as kittens.
At tribal council more fireworks occur.  Malcolm calls out Lisa for throwing him under the bus.  Abi criticizes Lisa for turning on Malcolm, saying he was a bigger part of their alliance then Skupin ever was.  Then in a bold move Malcolm borrows a page from One World's Coltons playbook and pulls out his idol and announces he will be playing it tonight.  Probst ask if anyone else wants to admit to having an idol and Abi whips hers out.  Just as Colton did, neither Malcolm or Abi ends up not playing their idol, which is very smart.
Among the chaos, just before the vote, Jonathon makes a plea for the six outsiders to take out the four masterminds, even if that means keeping the two veterans around.  Incredibly the only two people who don't go along with the plan are the two veterans!  Yes that's right.  Skupin who's been constantly whining about not wanting to play with Pete, saves him by voting for Jeff, and then Jonathon who actually suggested the plan to take out Pete votes for Abi!  UNFUCKINGBELIVABLE!
As a result, Pete is spared by one vote for the second week in a row, and Jeff is sent packing.  I don't think I've ever seen a dumber vote ever!
There seems to be a trend this season where if you get greedy you end up going home.  It happened with Dawson, now Jeff and it's sure to infect Lisa very soon.  One person who seems to be immune is Abi.  Last week Jeff was in a great position to take control of the game and he instead decides to target the veterans.  Had he stuck with Jonathon and Mike he would still be in the game.  Lisa was in an even better position and now she's digging her own grave.  Of course, with all the craziness that's occurred this season there's no telling what will happen next week.  Will the tribe finally make a move against the evil three, un I guess it's four now after this weeks actions by Lisa.  Will the entire tribe get rid of trouble making Lisa?  Will a veteran finally go home?  Your guess is as good as mine.

NEXT WEEK ON SURVIVOR! ???????????????????????

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