Ok, so I'm officially back to hating Tony aka Vic Mackie again. He pissed me off enough last week by voting off Morgan and now this week he just complete lost it and erupted in an explosion of paranoia. Go figure, a police officer acting paranoid. As I said before I wish Tony's behavior was unique of America's police force but that's quite the contrary. Most cops are in a constant state of paranoia and like Tony, are incapable of performing their jobs without bulling people.
He does this as soon as they get back to camp and throws a very nonstrategic shit fit about getting worthless votes thrown at him. He makes a big production about voting for Morgan because she didn't deserve to be here, which is complete bullshit. He went after her because she was the least likely to have the idol.
Then the next morning after all his talk of getting rid of the least deserving players he immediately decides to target LJ. This is the same LJ that almost completely unnecessarily sacrificed his idol for Tony. As I said before I believe that gesture by LJ demostrated how much allegiance he had to Tony. Why you want to get rid of someone who will always have your back in a game where people are constantly trying to cut your throat is beyond me. Tony may not be quite as retarded as I first thought but this proves he is still a moron.
His plan is to plant seeds of Woo's deadliness. To appease Tony LJ asks Tony if he wants to take out Woo, with absolutely no intention of actually targeting woo. But this all Tony needs for ammunition to go after LJ.
At the reward challege, gasoline is poured onto Tony's fire of paranoia when he is teamed with two people from the minority alliance, Spencer and Jeremiah, and end up winning. Tony is so anxious to make another move that this temptation is far to great for him to resist so at the reward he starts wheeling and dealing, telling his challenge partners he's not quite ready to turn on his alliance but will keep them safe for the next vote. Tony dubs himself the opportunist because when he sees an opportunity he grabs it. I just hope there's a huge cliff near camp that he'll have the opportunity to jump off of. So now Spencer and Jeremiah just have to hope Tasha doesn't win the next immunity.
Speaking of Tash she isn't going down without a fight. She's either cunning enough to actually see Tony's ridiculous gameplay or is just grasping at straws when when she tries to warn LJ about Tony and recruit him and Jefra to mutiny. LJ doesn't want to blow off Tash to her face but he's also ver weary of Tony's paranoia so he does end up snubbing her.
Karma comes back to bite LJ when it's Tasha who beats out LJ for individual immunity. Unfortunately his bad karma doesn't end there. I think Tony was planning to vote off Tasha for this round but when she wins immunity he shifts gears and decides to advance his plan to take out LJ. He first enlists Woo who like Sarah falls for his game hook line and sinker. In Woo's and Sarah's defense I will say the Tony may be the most believable liar in Survivor history. Russell Hantz could learn a few things from him, but as I said before that's what being a cop for so long does for you.
Like Kass I had really high hopes for Woo but he's proved himself to just be a typical musclehead. Got to give the editing department probs on this. They fool me a lot in this respect. I remember thinking Jed from Survivor Thailand was a favorite to win. Talk about embarassing.
Tony then goes to enlists Trish in his plan but she is not so easily swayed. And I don't think it's just because she has a huge crush on LJ. She can see the holes in Tony's story that Woo fails to notice. This gives Tony second thoughts and I'm hoping Trish's lust for LJ might be enough for her to lead a revolt against Tony. Unfortunately this is not to be.
At tribal Tony whips out his "bag of tricks" which I guess was some kind of bluff that he may have an idol and not get voted for again. Speaking of idols am I the only one who is wondering about the idol with different powers. No one seems to be looking for it and I wonder if anybody ever will. Perhaps they think the clue that Spencer had last week was for that idol and it's already been found. If it's not found I hope Probst will explain it's powers at the reunion show.
Back to the vote. As I said before Karma is not done with LJ. Tony sticks with the plan and LJ who earlier made the cardinal sin of saying how he felt comfortable for the first time gets blindsided. I was a little blindsided too. Since the whole episode seemed to point to LJ's exit I was sure the editors were just trying to fool us and Jeremiah or maybe even Tony would get voted out. That would have been amazing.
So now I'm thinking Spencer is now the favorite to win. I think Tony will probably make it to the end and will take Spencer along or Spencer will use his idol to get there. I also think Trish will be in the final three but I doubt she will win.
One last thing I'd like to get off my chest. I don't have cable so I watch Survivor on cbs.com. I have to say I am so sick of that Windows comercial with the nerdy girl coffee shop owner. "Honestly" she is the most annoying spokesperson since Jacko. She must be making a fortune off the comercial with the amount of times it's show. If 1,000,000 people a day watch one show on cbs.com and she makes just 1 penny everytime it's played she would be making 100 grand a day since they show it 10 times during every show. Or at least they were. They have seemed to lessen the amout from last week but I would still love to strangle this annoying bitch.
NEXT WEEK ON SURVIVOR! Tony continues to unravel but no one will have the guts to take him out.
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