This season was going soooo great but from where I stand it really went down the tubes this episode. Why? Because unfortunately I was right again. Here is a quote from my week 6 recap.
Even though I don't like too many idols being in play I'm dying to find what these special powers are. I'm thinking it might be an idol like the ones from Exile and Cook Islands that could be used after the votes are read, but we will see.
As I said in the quote I don't like so many idols floating around and I really don't like having an idol as powerful as the ones from Exile and Cook islands. When Yul found the idol in cook islands that he could use after the votes are read and all the way to the final four that basically kept anyone from ever voting for him and he was able to position himself as this great strategic mastermind, which was just enough to steal the game from the far more deserving Ozzy. What Candis, Sundra, Adam, and Jonathon didn't seem to understand is that it is very easy to make big strategic moves when there is no chance of you getting voted out. In Brad's case I'm sure he voted for Yul over Ozzy because there complexions were more similar.
The producers saw how unfair it was to have such a powerful tool and how it cheapens the game so they changed the rules after Ozzy's tragic defeat to Yul. They have kept it that way for 15 seasons. That's more seasons then had occurred prior to Cook Islands. But now I guess they are running out of ideas so they brought back a similar idol that can be used after the votes are read. It's not quite as powerful since you can't give it to another player like Terry and Yul had the option of doing. But I still don't like it. To make matters worse the guy I want to see get voted out the most ended up finding it. Vic Mackie himself!
The one thing we don't know is how long this idol is good for. Is it good until the final 4, 5, 6 or what? If it's the final 4 or 5 it's an almost an absolute certainty that Tony will make it to the end, which really sucks.
So anyway the day after the betrayal of LJ Jefra finally starts talking for the first time in the game and is extremely pissed at Tony. To my surprise Trish and Kass are not. Kass says Tony is annoying so it's good to keep him around. This is the first smart thing she has said in quite some time. As a viewer I hate seeing annoying people being ridden like goats but from a strategic standpoint it makes a lot of sense. Just ask Boston Rob.
While Trish is reassuring her, she again reinforces my observation of what a great liar Tony is by saying he went into the wrong profession because he's an academy award winning actor. While all this is happening Tony is listening to every word under his "spy shack" which is wisely placed in close proximity to the water well. Got to give him props for this and his acting ability. As I have said before Tony's ability to lie believably puts Russell Hantz to shame. But as I've also said, that's what comes from being a cop for over a decade.
At the reward challenge Probst gives an extra hard sell to the prize. I can't remember a time when he put so much effort into describing the prize before a challenge. As fate would have it Jefra is paired with the minority alliance and they end up narrowly beating the other team by realizing the winning phrase was "worth playing for" instead of the unheard of phrase in Survivor's dictionary "worth fighting for".
So when Jefra goes on reward with the three most desperate players in the game, guess what chronically paranoid Tony does? Yeah, he starts freaking out! So much so that he has to start a sentence three different times before he can finish it. "They're going to suck in.... they're going to pull in... they're going to talk to Jefra."
This causes him to begin a panicked search for the idol. It's pretty clear that he will find it from the very start of him describing his search for it. He does indeed find it and as I said before it's an idol that makes Tony virtually invincible for the remainder of the game.
Meanwhile, much to Tony's chagrin, Trish and Woo are wasting time on the completely useless act of searching for food. "Lime's and Papaya's" he whines. Tony is so similar to Russell but unlike Russell, who was clearly an idiot, I can't tell if Tony is actually an evil genius or if he's a moron like Russell who has just been getting very lucky. When he's doing things like fooling Sarah, blindsiding Cliff and finding idols he seems very smart but then he does stuff like foolishly yelling out "top 5 top5" or taking out his biggest ally for no apparent reason he seems like a typical Barney Fife. One thing that's for sure though, he is the biggest drama queen in the history of Survivor.
Trish and Woo spot a tree that Trish observes resembles Morgan's boobs which makes me miss her even more. As we saw in last weeks preview when Woo attempts to scale the tree he ends up completely busting his ass. As he retells the incident he continues doing his best Jeff Spicoli impression as he has been doing throughout the season. I had high hopes for Woo at the beginning of the season, some said he had the potential to be another Fabio but that is looking less and less likely as he continues to prove himself to be not much more than your average muscle head.
At the reward Jefra does indeed get pulled in by the minority, at least momentarily. That doesn't last long.
At the reward challenge Tash is once again in the final three, this time with Woo and Spencer. It comes down to a rematch with Spencer who barely beat her the last time 2 episodes ago but this time Tash prevails. I have to say I think it would of been much better if this has happened during their last showdown. I think at that time Spencer could of gotten everyone to vote for him and he could of used his idol to take out one of the majority instead of my girl Morgan getting voted out. At this point however, he has proven himself to be a dangerous player who is much more likely to have it than Jeremiah.
As far as Tash goes I have to say, the longer she spends on the island losing weight the cuter and cuter she is getting. I understand she used to be a cheerleader like Morgan and I can definitely see how on this episode. She was looking mighty desirable with her hand firmly grasping that ahem pole and balancing that ahem ball.
Immediately after Tash wins immunity for the second strait time we see a clip of Jefra talking about taking out Tony, that was clearly shot long before the immunity challenge took place, and I'm starting to think Jefra will be the one going home. However, Trish sees the conflict in her and eases her mind while pulling her back in. I have to say that Trish might have missed her calling as well. With her amazing attention to detail and phenomenal observational skills she could of made a great detective or poker player.
Meanwhile the minority sees they are in trouble and Jeremiah decides to make the amazing revelation that he is actually a fashion model. OMG! This is when Spencer decided to make an genuine revelation that he has the idol. What I want to know is why is it necessary to have the word "male" in Jeremiah's label? I mean if they just identified him as a "model" instead of a "male model" is there anyone out there that would think that he could possibly be a "female model"?
Right before tribal Jefra admits to Jeremiah that she's flopped back over to the majority. Not sure if telling him was a good strategic move but I think he could attest to her integrity to be forthcoming. This is definitely the right move for Jefra. It would of been really stupid for her to flip even if Tony didn't have the special powered idol. She may be correct about herself being on the bottom of the alliance but even if she flipped she would of still been on the bottom and she would of pissed a lot of people off. Right now I think she has the best chance of winning if she can find a way to the end, despite what Spencer and Tash say about giving their jury vote to Tony. She will have a tough time getting to the end with her current alliance but if she flips she will have almost no chance of winning.
It's an intense tribal as both sides have idols and both sides are trying to figure out who to vote for. We see the minority vote for Woo and Spencer does a hilarious impression of him. But we don't see who the majority are voting for before the reading of the votes. However Woo does kind of tip their hand when he implies they don't want to vote for the person with the idol. This should of sent out alarm bells to Spencer that they were voting for Jeremiah and maybe it did. When the time comes to play the idol it appeared as though he considered giving it to Jeremiah but he plays it safe and uses it for himself. I can't say I blame him. Even though it turned out to be wrong it's probably what I would of done. It would just be too risky to give it to Jeremiah. Tony thinks he bluffed Spencer into not giving Jeremiah the idol but I'm not so sure. Anyway when the votes come up for Jeremiah Spencer apologizes to Jeremiah who tells him not to worry about it but what he means to say is "don't worry about it because now I finally get to go to Ponderosa and try flirting with Morgan some more".
Next Week on Survivor! It's auction time! He will have enough will power to bid on the advantage instead of food? My money is on Spencer.