Friday, May 3, 2013

Survivor Caramoan Episode 12 Recap: I'm Going Nowhere!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                "I'm going nowhere!"  Reynold loudly proclaims during tonight's first immunity challenge.  All I can say is, "you can say that again Reynold!  You're going nowhere in this game!"
The tribe is surprised when tree mail comes and reads that the next challenge is for immunity and not reward but when they get to the challenge Probst informs them that the challenge is for both immunity and reward.  The reward is "information in this game" which is exactly what Malcolm was told he bought at last weeks auction so it's safe to assume the information a clue to the hidden immunity idol and probably the same clue Malcolm got last week. 
It's amazing just how cocky John has gotten since winning an immunity challenge with an advantage!  Earlier he declared he wasn't the same Harvard nerd who was trembling in the bushes last time and then he actually shows up to the challenge showing off his ehem, manly chest.  I got news for you John, even if you end up winning the game you will ALWAYS be a Harvard nerd!  I can just imagine how he would of tore up Abi had he played with her and she called herself the greatest challenge competitor after winning immunity with an advantage!
The challenge is balancing on a triangular floating perch in the water.  Each side has two narrow strips to brace your feet on.  Every 15 minutes you move up a level until your standing on top of the perch.  Almost immediately Probst comes out with a temptation of a glass of milk and a plate of doughnuts.  Erik who is so thin that you can almost see through him decides to take it which isn't very shocking but what is shocking is that EDDIE decided to jump off with him!  I can't imagine what this lunk head was thinking.  He didn't seem to be at a point of giving up but he must be.  Sure there's a good chance they will all target Reynold before him but if Reynold wins he's almost certainly done.  Unless of course Eddie figured out the reward was a clue to the HII and hoped Reynold would win and would then share the clue and idol with him.  That was really Frick and Frack's only hope. 
When they get to the next level Probst comes out offering three hotdogs and a glass of soda to whoever jumps off.  Self proclaimed "greatest challenge competitor of Survivor Caramoan" John Cochran announces he wants to take it.  When he gets no encouragement he whines about his thighs aching but still the only who encourages him is Reynold and Probst is only too willing to quickly point that out as he hands John his food. 
Crazy Dawn starts eying Reynold like a buzzard circling it's prey.  This is when Reynold releases his obnoxious announcement.  After moving to the final stage Dawn soon falls off followed by Sherri who swims directly past Reynold splashing as hard as she can to throw him off balance but it doesn't work.  I'm sure she knows if Reynold wins and finds the HII she'll probably be the target. 
So this leaves Andrea, Brenda and Reynold.  Reynold nearly falls in twice but makes a great recovery but about 10 minutes later he loses his concentration and falls in.  Even though the winner is redundant at this point both Andrea and Brenda refuse to give up.  They have an interesting dialogue where they try to get the other to jump off with Brenda saying things like "are you worried or something?" and Andrea offering to share the clue with Brenda if she jumps off.  Ultimately they don't agree and stay up there for another two hours before agreeing to ad a fourth stage of balancing on one leg.  Probst counts them down and reminds them that this is their rule not his.  Moments later Brenda falls off and Andrea wins immunity.  As I've said before both of these girls are very tough.
Back at camp Andrea reluctantly shares the clue with Brenda.  Personally I don't think she was under any obligation to do this since Brenda didn't actually jump off but I guess she didn't want any drama.  It is indeed the same clue Malcolm got and Andrea decides to share it with her entire alliance.  They rush off to find the idol leaving Eddie and Reynold to prepare for their arrivals to Ponderosa.  Erik finds the idol and much to John's dismay immediately hands it over to Andrea.  That is the fair thing to do since it was her clue though.  He would of looked like a real asshole if he would of stuffed it in his pocked in front of everyone. 
Most of the group is relieved that they will be able to get rid of Reynold or Eddie next.  Everyone that is except for Andrea.  She is dying to make a big move and is desperate to blindside someone.  She says "blindsides need to happen before someone blindsides me".  I think a big part of it is she's seriously crushing on Eddie and doesn't want him to go anywhere yet.  So she starts discussing the possibility with John and Sherri.  She suggest blindsiding Dawn or Brenda.  John considers possibly going after Brenda but definitely does not want to take out Dawn since she has turned herself into a goat to ride to the end.  So Andrea goes to Dawn with the idea of blindsiding Brenda and as I wrote a few weeks ago Dawn is already starting to turn on her savior Brenda.  As she herself says "The biggest obstacle is not having an opponent out here the biggest obstacle has been my mind"  Couldn't of said it better myself.
Despite the little bit of drama at camp the tribe sticks with the plan to take out the two guys.  They split the vote just in case, but not equally with two going towards Eddie and four going towards Reynold, which is enough.  Reynold and Eddie don't even try to squirm their way out of the inevitable and throw the votes at Erik and Sherri.  So Reynold goes home but is very gracious in his confessional and declares he had the time of his life. 
With Reynold gone now the girls outnumber the guys for the first time!  Not for long though!  Because tonight there are two immunity challenges! 
Back at camp everyone but Eddie is celebrating Reynold's departure and Andrea is still itching for a blindside.  Careful what you wish for Andrea!  For some reason she is again discussing this with the biggest weasel in Survivor history John Cochran.  Naturally the goes running to Dawn and Brenda and drops the dime on Andrea wanting to take one of them out.  Incredibly Dawn does not completely explode in paranoia and stays relatively calm and collected.  She doesn't even shed one tear.  At least not on camera. 
The immunity challenge is similar to the challenge Andrea narrowly lost to Rob who almost died beating her before she was voted off the first time on Redemption Island.  They both involved retrieving ladder rungs to climb to the top of a wall, the difference is this one is not as high and you must maneuver a buoy through a bunch of obstacles located in shallow water, to release a key that unlocks a chest that contains the ladder rungs. 
The challenge is a huge blow out by Erik.  His closest competitors are Brenda and Andrea.  "Mr. Incredible Challenge Force" John Cochran wasn't even a factor having gotten bet to the ladder stage but everyone including Sherri!
So now operation blindside Andrea is in full effect.  The trick is not to let her know because she still has the idol.  This is what happens when you get too impatient to make a big move in Survivor.  It often back fires on you.
They do a spectacular job and convince Andrea that they are all turning on Brenda.  Andrea even says how she feels bad for Brenda because she feels so comfortable which is how she felt when she got blindsided. 
Andrea reveals the plan to Eddie who says for the first time in 30 days he feels comfortable with who's going home.  I wonder if Eddie has ever said anything in his entire life that turned out to be right. 
Andrea then starts planting the seeds of a final three with Eddie to John.  John then confesses how he hasn't been able to mention Eddie's name to Andrea for the past 10 days without Andrea saying "Eddie's harmless I control his vote".  Apparently she's still saying this even after he voted for her!  So this really worries John who becomes more determined than ever to take out Andrea.  One odd thing he says though is he wants to be a part of everybody's plan and if he's not a part of Andrea's plan he doesn't want her to be a part of his, even though she told him her plan was to take Eddie to the end with John. 
So unless Andrea plays her idol she's done for.  However, they again play it safe and decide to throw two votes at Eddie, which would result in a tie between him and Brenda if Andrea plays her idol and IF Erik agrees to turn on Andrea.  This seems like it might be a long shot since Erik went along with Andrea to take out Corine.  Not to mention the fact that Andrea promised Erik final three, of course she's also promised this to John and Eddie, but no one else to my knowledge has promised Erik that.  This would seem to suggest that it will be a close call.  I would think Andrea would be the favorite to survive since she seems to be thriving from the game and looking hotter and hotter each episode.  Brenda on the other hand, while still hot, isn't nearly as hot as she was on day 1 and just appears to be so beaten down by the experience. 

But as it turns out that may have been what worked to her advantage.  Even though John kind of screws up and reveals that not only does he believe people have falsely promised him final three but that he has also falsely promised people final three.  Andrea admits this makes her nervous but it's not enough of a red flag for her to play the idol.  The reading of the votes is pretty exciting.  Andrea is shocked when she sees her name the first time then on the second time she cries out "what?!" and pretty much knows she's been taken.  I guess she should of asked Erik to give her the necklace.  Speaking of which, I can't believe Probst missed a great Survivor moment by not asking Erik if he wanted to give up immunity.  Remarkably though, Andrea appears to be actually excited by being blindsided and not the least bit bitter.  I guess she realizes how foolish she was not to play the idol.  Especially since there will probably only be two more chances after this tribal to play it.  She has a big smile on her face as she carries her torch to Probst and says "that was really good".  Meanwhile Reynold, with his John Holmes mustache, practically creams all over himself when he sees his bro Eddie has dodged yet another bullet!  So just like that we're down to six.

NEXT WEEK ON SURVIVOR!  The previews make John look to be in trouble so that means he's obviously safe as a kitten.  Unless Eddie wins immunity, which he has yet to do, he should be going home.  The really big question is will Andrea wear her immunity necklace to next weeks tribal council?  The finale is scheduled for a week from Sunday so it looks like we'll have a final 5 finale again! 

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