Over at Tandang the drama continues to grow to a boiling point. I had heard that Malcolm was going to be this season's Russell Hantz but that honor clearly belongs to Tandang's Pete. Although he is causing chaos and taking control of his tribe with far more finesse then Russell ever did. Pete leaves the truly psychotic Russell like behavior to his partner in crime Abi.
Pete continues to surprise me with his game play when he makes a bold move and plants the clue near RC's spilled backpack. RC gives an academy award winning performance to try to diffuse the situation but it's not enough to keep the Brazilian firecracker from exploding. The once potential bff's now hate each other more than Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie.
At Kalabaw, Jeff completely turns to the dark side when he flops over to team Jonathon and even gives him a full FIVE FINGERED handshake! After buttering up Carter like a turkey on thanksgiving Jonathon pulls him into the male alliance. As I'm watching Carter's reflection interview I can't help but ask myself who he slept with to get on this show.
The girls smell this plot brewing and start planning a counter attack. So surely we'll get to see Dawson play her card of knowing Jeff's real identity, right? Wrong! This is the scene I was hoping to see.
Dawson isolates Jeff.
D: So what's your last name Jeff?
J: (immediately starts to squirm) ...Uhhhh Johnson.
D: Are you sure it's not Kent?
J: Who's Jeff Kent?
D: You are! And if you don't help the girls vote out Jonathon I'll out you!
No such luck though. Instead we just see Dawson trying to figure out what constitutes an actual fire.
Back at Matsing Russell is feverishly hunting for the idol. I said in my episode one recap that I didn't think Russell was bright enough to find the idol. Will he prove me wrong? Uh... no. We hear Russell pontificating on how he's probably going to be seen on TV walking right past the idol as it flashes on screen in front of him as we see shots of him walking right past the idol as it flashes on the screen right in front of him.
Denise notices Russell's suspicious behavior and confides in Malcolm that he may have the idol, just like Zane did on day 3. So after giving Russell 10 days to find the idol Malcolm suddenly decides it's now a good time to blindside him. Why couldn't you think of that last week Malcolm! I miss Angie so much.
Before the challenge we see the most drama erupting at Tandang which would seem to indicate that they'll be heading to tribal council tonight. I suddenly get a sinking feeling that the second hottest chick of the season will be sent home packing tonight, so I greedily try to savor the T&A shots of RC as much as possible.
The reward/immunity challenge finally comes and with a slow sweep over the countryside, has the biggest build up of any challenge in Survivor history. It consists of carrying three sets of pots of rice through a field of horizontal bamboo poles then smashing them with a wrecking ball. The first place reward is steak, second place is a couple onions and peppers, no meat. There's also the option of giving up the food for a tarp.
Kalabaw and Tandang must sit out half their tribe and once again sit out all the women. I know I'm not the only one to see the rule of not sitting out in back to back challenges reinstated. Of course that rule was done back in the good old days when we got to witness TWO challenges every episode.
Despite the gender disadvantage Matsing jumps out to an early lead. Carter and Jeff both have trouble getting the pots across and are in last place when it comes to the smashing phase. The smashing is done by Malcolm, Jeff and Artis who turns out to be a smashing machine. This 17 time applicant quickly relieves my fear of losing more eye candy, smashing two pots with one swing at one time. Tandang easily wins the challenge.
It's now a race for second place. Matsing is still ahead of Kalabaw but Malcolm is no match against a guy who spent 17 years and made millions of dollars by throwing a ball at targets. Once again they lose and once again Russell throws a hissy fit, even though he was the last one through the bamboo sticks which delayed Malcolm from starting the smashing phase of the challenge. This time his reaction freaks the entire cast out and even Probst is fed up with Russell's outbursts and pitty parade. He scolds Russell who accidentally calls Probst "Lord", which brings a smirk to Jonathon's face. Russell reaches new heights of cockiness when he claims that he is a perfect creature created by God.
Actually, I can't really blame Russell for the meltdown. The last time he played his tribe lost only one immunity challenge before he got sidelined. He probably know he's going home tonight so I can definitely understand his frustration.
After a lot of awkwardness the winning tribes collect their rewards. Kalabaw opts to take a tarp instead of the onions and peppers. What a shock. Now it's time to watch Tandang chowing down on those juicy steaks as they enjoy their reward. What? We're going strait to Matsing. We don't get to see the tribes enjoying their reward? Isn't that half the fun of watching Survivor? That and the Challenges?! Or should I say CHALLENGE. And CBS can't figure out why Survivor keeps going down in the ratings each season. Here's a thought. Go back to what made you successful in the first place! Two challenges each episode, seeing the tribes enjoy their reward and bring back the Survivor theme song! If editing can't get the job done then expand Survivor to two hours! Ok, I'm done with my Russell like hissy fit.
The activity back at Matsing is pretty predictable. Russell predicts it COULD be him going home tonight. Gee that sounds familiar, but Malcolm and Denise work hard on making Russell feel comfortable, just in case he has an idol. Malcolm convinces Russell that he wants to keep the two athletes and Denise gives Russell a therapy session (which he sorely needs) then convinces him that she won't mind be alone on the island with a violent, unstable, dread lock wearing, musclehead that is covered with tattoos.
At tribal, Probst digs deeper into Russell's frustration and desire to never lose. Russell responds that he sets very high standards of excellence for himself. It must be a full moon because for the second time in the same episode I'm sympathetic with Russell. I believe that everyone should have a mindset like that and expect good things to happen because the universe sends you what your mind dwells on. I think this is why Skupin and Russell are having so much trouble this season. I'm sure it must be very difficult for them not to dwell on the misfortune they endured the last time they played. Jonathon has the advantage here, because it wouldn't be weighing so heavily on his mind given the fact that he has made it through a season without an injury.
Probst puts all three players on the hot seat and Russell uses the opportunity to create new words by saying he's the best "experientially". Not surprising coming from a guy who last week said he was going to "presservere" like other great historical African Americans. The time comes to vote. I would of loved to of seen a three weight tie. I can only imagine how they would have broken that tie. Would they have drawn rocks or would they of had a three way challenge? However, Denise and Malcolm stick together, while Russell decides to side with Denise and in the end his torch is finally snuffed out. Hopefully this means that Skupin will finally start getting some prime screen time.
Did Russell ever have a chance this season? Usually when they bring back returning players to face off against a majority of new players they let fate decide tribal placement. That wasn't the case this season. I have to say Russell definitely got the short end of the stick in this predetermined arrangement. Jonathon's tribe has Jeff Kent, and Skupin's tribe has Mike Skupin. Meanwhile, Zane, Roxy, and Angie were probably the three weakest players this season. Denise may very well have the highest IQ of this season's cast but next to Leif I'm pretty sure she's the shortest player in Survivor history. So was Russell's failure calculated? I don't think so. I think the producers just really over estimated his ability and felt by given him the weakest tribe it which actually make things more even. Well Russell, keep your head up and try to PRESSERVERE.Next Week on Survivor!
Matsing is down to only two players but it looks like they are FINALLY going to catch a break. It appears that someone from Kalabaw will be medically evacuated. Please don't let it be Jeff Kent! (I'm afraid it's going to be though)
Watch the full episode here.
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