Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Survivor 25 Episode 2 Recap: Boobie Blinded!

Before I get into the recap I have to say for the record how much I LOVE watching Survivor in HD!  I just got an HD TV last year on Black Friday and I'm still overwhelmed by the difference HD makes to watching survivor.  If you don't have one I strongly suggest you get one.  Even the night time scenes are fun to watch, which is how this episode starts off.  Matsing has returned from Tribal Council and incredibly Russell still realizes he has some tap dancing to do in his tribe.  I would have figured his ego would have rationalized the attacks he got at the first tribal.  Still his days seems to be numbered, as long as lightning doesn't strike twice and another Matsing doesn't pull a Zane with an emotional breakdown.  Oh...hello Roxy.
After seeming to be completely solid with Angie in getting rid of Russell, suspected virgin Roxy has a complete change of heart after taking one look at Angie snuggling up with Malcolm at night.  How dare they share each other's body heat to keep warm!  OK Ok there was probably more to it than that, but is that really a reason to turn on your alliance and start speaking in tongues? 
That being said, Malcolm should have done more damage control with this.  He said himself that he shouldn't get "boobie blinded" by Angie.  I'll admit I would have an extremely tough time accomplishing that if I was on Angie's tribe, but if I were Malcolm I would of went up to Angie and said, "I like you, and you're exactly the type of girl I'd like to hang out with, but we have to be really careful about getting too close.  I want both of us to go deep into the game so don't take this the wrong way,  but I think you should at least appear to spend more time developing your relationship with Roxy."

Tang Dang
A similar story is brewing over at Tang Dang.  RC finds the clue to the idol but unfortunately Abi is standing right over her shoulder so she has to share it with her.  This gesture of trust from RC warms Abi's heart for about two seconds.  She sees RC talking to Michael, who luckily only manages to cut himself once this episode, and immediately starts flipping out.  I once dated a Brazilian girl and can vouch for the fact that they are extremely jealous and possessive.  I will also say that mine was extremely giving and generous as well, so it wasn't all bad.  Not to mention they usually having slamming bodies.  Anyway... After seeing RC talking to Michael, suspected tramp Abi warns RC if she fucks her she's dead.  Apparently Abi has forgotten that they are all in an alliance with Mike. 
I have to say I would think this would mean good things for Lisa.  If I had an alliance with someone who went all psycho like that it would definitely give me second thoughts and this seems to be the case with RC.  Meanwhile, Lisa really could use some help.  She's unable to fit in with her tribe due to her extreme shyness and nearly has a major breakdown.  This is surprising coming from someone who was once so famous and adored by so many.  The crush I had on Lisa as a kid was even bigger then the one I now have on Angie.  It does make me wonder why Lisa wanted to come on the show so badly that she initiated a huge twitter campaign.  Why would you campaign so hard to be part of a social game if you're so introverted?

Jonathon keeps ignoring his tribe and keeps searching for the idol.  Kalabaw appears to have the best camp because it includes a little cave they can seek shelter in from the constant rain.  While the rest of the tribe decides to do this, Jonathon decides to stay behind to search for idol.  Not smart.  After tearing up the camp he gets discovered by Dawson and comes up with the ridiculous lie that he lost his contact lens.  He does have glasses but I think it's pretty far fetched to believe someone could wear contact lenses for 39 days with no bathroom. 
However, Jonathon has a light bulb moment and realizes the "nose" referred to in the clue was the picture of a bull with a prominent nose on the rice basket.  This leads him to the idol which didn't look like any other previous idol and I actually thought it was another clue.  I'm thinking Jonathon is going to have to use this the first tribal he goes to because his head is definitely on the chopping block.

Immunity Challenge
It's the second episode of the season and the second episode with only one challenge, which like last week is for reward AND immunity.  Someone needs to remind the producers that ratings were much higher in early seasons that had separate challenges for reward and immunity.  I think one of the biggest reasons for Survivor's success were watching the challenges and this season you don't even have a redemption island duel to enjoy.
Well, it another puzzle challenge which is not good news to Matsing.  The two tribes who don't finish last get immunity and also a much needed tarp, so Russell is really pumped to win but seems to be the only one.  Unlike last time he asks instead of orders, which is smart.  Unfortunately part of the challenge are three physical legs that requires getting the puzzle pieces by two different pairs since one person has to be the puzzle director.  With the loss of Zane they only have two guys to do three legs.  The other tribes wisely sit out a woman and both have three strong guys, and two of those guys are Jeff Kent and Michael Skupin, so things are looking pretty bad for Matsing (I really think that due to the physical nature of the challenge the other two tribes should have been required to sit out a man).  Amazingly, in spite of Angie and Roxy's atrocious performance they are able to catch up due to Russell and Malcolm's determination and Denise's puzzle solving ability.  I don't know why she wasn't one of the puzzle solvers last week.  Tandang wins first place by a wide margin which means we'll have another week with Blair Warner playing Survivor.  Although Kalabaw retrieved their puzzle pieces first Jeff and Penner are really struggling with the solution and are pretty much ignoring puzzle caller Dana.  It turns out to be a nail biter and comes down to the who can get the last piece in.  Kalabaw finishes moments before Matsing which causes Russell to throw a hissy fit.
Who can blame him, this means he's going home tonight, right?  Maybe not. 
Back at camp Roxy inexplicably decides that Malcolm and Angie are strong pair and decides she should try to break up that strong pair instead of staying joined with them.  Now I know Boston Rob did the same thing on Day 6 of Redempiton Island or whatever it was, but there were other factors in play in that situation and that was still one of the few moves he did that season that I didn't agree with.  People need to chill out more at the beginning of the game.  I'm talking to you Abi and Roxy!  If there's a strong pair in your tribe, you know they're gonna need some help.  There's no way two people can vote out three people by themselves, so why not take advantage of that and at least wait until AFTER the merge before you decide to turn you back on to strong teammates?  If I ever get to play and I see to people hooking up, those are two people I'm definitely gonna be friendly with at the beginning of the game.  Like Roxy herself said a pair can be very powerful.  That's like saying if the United States got into war with China and we there were two other powerful countries on our side who were more friendly with each other then with us then we should focus on destroying them instead of getting them to help us defeat China.  For the record, last episode I really liked Roxy and thought she was going to be a good player but I guess dealing with constant misery can change someone in a hurry.
Of course this is all great news for Russell who's thrilled to hear there's someone besides himself with a target on their backs.  He's trying to side with Roxy, and I'm sure it has nothing to do with her complexion, while Denise seems to be the swing vote.  I have to admit that I've been boobie blinded by Angie and don't want to see her go anywhere.  She seems to be the favorite to survive since Denise has a strong alliance with Malcolm, as long as doesn't say something really stupid at tribal council.

Tribal Council
So at tribal good ole Probst stirs up the pot and puts the two players in trouble on the hotseat with a pretty tough question by asking them to finish the sentence "If I could change anything about this tribe it would be....".    Neither response is likely to get an invitation to play on Jeopardy but Angie really drops the ball.  Roxy says they should do less work around camp and Angie says the best thing for the tribe would be....are you ready for this?  Cookies!  In her defense, Angie is only 20 and blond and I'm sure that's not what she really wanted to say, she was just trying to be diplomatic.  Regardless of that, her answer infuriates Probst, who immediately begins to blatantly lobby for her departure.  One of the few moments in Survivor history where I wish Probst would shut the F up.  Malcolm's reaction is delightful and shows he's here to really play.  He admits her answer wasn't "phenomenal" while struggling not to explode in laughter but manages not to throw Angie under the bus.  Still, Probst seems to be successful but when the votes are read it's not even close.  Apparently Denise informed Russell that she was voting for Roxy and he decided to turn his back on her rather then go against the tribe.  So thanks to Roxy's Zane like strategy, she goes home and Russell survives again. 

Next Week on Survivor
The previews show Pete and Lisa turning on Mike who suffers another severe injury and is seen with a more blood on his face then he had after he killed the pig in Australia.  So I guess that means Mike is safe next week.  I was thinking they would probably have a mash up next week and go to two tribes but the clips of the challenge seems to contradict that.  I'm guessing either Matsing or Tangdang will end up at tribal and either Lisa or Russell will be voted out. 

Friday, September 21, 2012

Survivor 25 Episode 1 Recap: The Curse of Jeff!

Welcome to my first ever Survivor recap!  I've been a top commenter on the CBS survivor board for years and finally decided to get off my ass and create this blog. 
Survivor is finally back and is as exciting as ever!  The season starts off with three returning players, two celebrities, and one of the hottest survivors of all time.  They start off on a boat split into three tribes of five, and even though the women outnumber the men by three they are still shocked to see the three returnees.  Returning this season are three former players who left the game early do to medical reasons.  They include Russell Swan from Samoa, Jonathon Penner from Micronesia, and all the way back from Australia fan favorite Michael Skupin, who is undoubtedly the inspiration for this season's theme.  Roxanne's face says it all when the three jump on board the ship.  The new players are starting to get sick of competing against seasoned players.  However, there's no redemption island this season, which I actually miss.  I think if you have a season where the new players outnumber the returning players you should definitely include redemption island to give them a fair shot of going deep into the game.
I'm not sure what Russell is doing there.  Unlike the others he didn't leave because of an injury.  His body simply couldn't take the stress of the game.  On Tuesday I saw an promo with Russell where he said "last time I went 100% and almost died.  This time I'm gonna go 110%".  That makes a lot of sense.  So he's going to try to increase his chances of dying by 10%.  At least they didn't bring James back again.
Adding even more star power are undercover celebrities Lisa "Blair Warner" Welchel and Jeff "baseball MVP" Kent, who both seem to think they are the only celebrities playing this season.  Skupin is teamed up with Lisa and instantly recognizes her.  Jonathon is teamed up with Kent but doesn't recognize him, which surprised me after Jonathon used his baseball analogy in fans vs favorites and compared the season to the Boston Red Sox taking on fans of the Red Sox.  Because of this I would think Penner would be pretty familar with baseball players.
So, after the returnees are introduced, Probst tells everyone they have 60 seconds to grab as many supplies as they can before being shoved off the boat.  Jonathon immediately advises his team to look for a machete.  Upon hearing this, Russell decides to follow this same advice but tries to individualize himself by telling his tribe to grab "anything with a blade". 
They are given a 10 second warning, then in an odd twist of fate Jeff Kent, possibly one of the strongest and most athletic Survivors ever, appears to injure his knee while jumping off the boat.  Now, I'm not a big sports nut, but I grew up in Illinois a huge Cubs fan and remain one to this day.  I also lived in Houston for 10 years, so naturally I hate Cubs divisional rivals the Houston Astros with a passion, but one of the few Astros that I developed a real fondness for was Jeff Kent.  He has a terrific no nonsense attitude.  So I was really excited to see him play Survivor and extremely disappointed to see him get injured in the first five minutes.  I'm starting to think there might be a Survivor curse on guys named Jeff.  The last Survivor named Jeff was also a big strong guy who got injured early in the season, which resulted an early exit.  This is especially scary for me because I'd like to go on the show someday and my name happens to be Jeff.
For the first time ever it seems like none of the returning players have a snowball's chance in hell of making it to the final tribal council.  Both Russell and Jonathon's tribe are dying to vote them out.  Skupin is able to form an alliance but is unable to stop chopping up his body.  I'm not very good a predicting winners but as of right now I've got my eye on Dawson.  I'm pretty sure none of the returning players will win, and I don't think Lisa or Jeff have much of a chance.  Also in 5 out of 6 previous seasons that had returning players, the winner turned out to be a woman.  She's the only person who recognized Jeff Kent, is a fan of the show, seems to have a likable personality, and is pretty but not too pretty.  Just for the record she estimated the Kent made $30 million throughout his career, but according to it's closer to $90. 
Although he can't stop cutting himself, Michael seems to be in the best shape to go far into the game, but that's not saying much.  He's made an alliance of four, which unfortunately doesn't include Lisa who he wants to keep around.  I had a huge crush on Lisa when I was kid and was really sorry to hear that she put ALL her Facts of Life money into the stock market and lost it all.  Never put all your eggs in one basket.  While Lisa seems to be on the outs the alliance of four also seems to be completely ignoring the inevitable mash up, when the three tribes become two.
Over at Kalabaw Jonathon has decided to spend his time blatantly searching for the idol instead of forming bonds with his tribemates (these guys could really use some lessons from Boston Rob).  Maybe that's because he IS anticipating the mash up.  Meanwhile, Jeff Kent decides to immediately target Jonathon.  A strategy that worked so well for Francesca, Kristina, Christine,and Stacey.      
Out of all the returning players Russell's game plan is the most confusing.  As soon as they get to camp, he proclaims he does not want to be the leader and wants to work as a team.  Then in the very same breath he starts barking orders and doesn't stop until he feels his ass on the hot seat at the end of the episode.  I don't think I've ever seen anybody come in as cocky as him.  I do have to give him props for his record setting fire making accomplishment.  With that advantage there's no way they can lose the first challenge.  Right?
Within Russell's tribe you have oddball Zane employing an even crazier strategy.  He makes a separate alliance with all three girls then goes up to the guys and informs them of this.  Then there's Malcolm who I heard was going to be the worst villain since Russell Hantz.  He definitely has a sneaky way about him but I haven't seen a level of evilness that comes anywhere near that of Russell.  Unlike Russell (Hantz or Swan) he seems to have a brain in his head and a lot more charisma.     
Well I'm pleasently surprised to see the challenge doesn't begin until after an hour has passed, which means this is a 90 minute premeire, which I always love.  As I said before, I'm very confident Russell's team will win, until I see them putting a strong emphasis on Russell's pre challenge strategic orders.  This immediately sends up a red flag that Russell's team will be heading to tribal this episode.  So, I'm not at all surprised when they come in last.  After the challenge Probst asks Russ what happened.  Being the egomaniac that he is, Russell doesn't seem to be the least bit concerned and says there's ALWAYS a next time.  Then Probst reminds him there will be next time for only five of them. 
Back at camp Russell is completely oblivious to the fact that his entire tribe can't wait to vote him out, but then he gets a little help from Zane.  Zane comes up with this insane plan to put the target on himself!  The crazy thing is that it ALMOST works!  Angie (who DEFINITELY will make my countdown of hottest survivors on my other blog) begs Zane to vote out Russell.  So does Malcolm, but then Zane makes a critical error by telling the rest of the tribe that Russell has the idol, which he doesn't. 
What follows is one of the most perplexing first tribal councils ever.  Long story short, the entire tribe attacks Russell at tribal then proceeds to vote out Zane.  I'm still puzzled on why the voting and dialogue went the way it did.  I figured Russell was a goner and that everyone would do their best to make him feel safe but instead they do the exact opposite.  I thought maybe they were going to split their votes to flush out the idol but I look at the clock and see there's no time for a revote.  I don't know if they were afraid of Russell using the idol or if they just decided to keep Russell's muscle.  I think it was a mistake, because now they've given Russell a few more days to actually find the idol.  Not sure if he's bright enough to do so, but next week should be interesting.  My guess is that Russell will lie low for the first five minutes of the episode and then his ego will have him barking orders again in no time.   

Next on Survivor
Penner seems to come closer to finding the idol and although she's on the outs with her tribe Lisa appears to be safe next week because the previews made her look like she's in danger.